HarrySTUDIOS Video   

About this website (in general):

This website was made by Harry CW (HarrySTUDIOS CEO) on 21/05/23 after the ORIGINAL The Official Harry CW Website was taken down about a month prior, When I created this website, it was HarrySTUDIOS Video, then The Harry CW Archive (it wasn't really an "archive" until 3/4 of it's life, but then again, it only had history of about 4 Harry CW channels). Though the reason The Harry CW Archive dissapeared is a "total" mystery. then it (finally) went back to HarrySTUDIOS Video, And no, I REFUSE to create another "The Official Harry CW Website" because it gets worse and worse with each one.

About HarrySTUDIOS Video WIX Edition and it's close relatives (like FunTek Video):

HarrySTUDIOS Video (the original legacy WIX version) was created on 13/08/22 because he lost the wix account for "FunTek Video" and because FunTek Video was not very good, but he also made this website because he had enough of YouTube banning his channels, (How familiar.) It gained a total of 2 channels, One being Harry CW (me) and the one I shall not mention because his friend would be oh so "devestated" (like I care). It had a GRAND total of 10 videos (9 are mine.) So let's move back a few years to FunTek Video, it was the original, created to watch Harry CW videos on the school computers which at the time did not allow YouTube. (thank god I'm out of that hell) It had a GRAND total of 7-ish videos. (How "impressive")

Copyright HarrySTUDIOS Network™ 2024.